Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weimar Constitution

Third Chapter: The Reich President and Reich Government

Article 42
The Reich President, when taking his office, swears the following oath:
I swear to devote my energy to the welfare of the German people, to increase its prosperity,
to prevent damage, to hold up the Reich constitution and its laws, to consciously honour my
duties and to exercise justice to every individual.
The addition of a religious formula is acceptable.

The meaning of this passage describes the obligation and the duties that the President and government must perform. He have a duty to protect the citizens of his country as well as make sure that the economy is in a condition as to where the citizens are able to function. He must also uphold the laws that are stated in the constitution, in which everyone is entitled to a fair trial.

I believe that these are important rights and should be upheld in every form of any government. Any person or persons that have the role of a leader whether its of a country or company, their sole duty is to provide a safe environment for there citizens or employees. They should have establish laws or policies in which the citizens or employees should abide by. If these rules or laws are not honored then the proper protocol should be in place to decide which form of corrective action should be implemented.

Article 124

All Germans are entitled for means which do not conflict with penal'laws to form clubs or
societies. This right may not be limited by preventive measures. These regulations also apply
for religious societies.
Every club is free to acquire legal capacity. No club may be denied of it because of it pursuing
political, socio-political or religious goals.

The meaning of this passage basically gives the Germans a right to assemble. They have a right to conduct meetings of the sort in regards to various topics as long as its not interfering with the peace.

This too is an important part of the constitution because it gives people the right to assembly, protest and discuss any type of issues that he or she may feel needs to get dealt with. Also in the modern content this continues to be an important factor because as humans being and citizens we do have a right to assemble together and share commons views. As long as its not inferring with the peace, then there is no problem with it.

1 comment:

  1. I also agree with you when you say this is an important right because German's can voice their opinions. Being able to come amoungs each other and kind of express any concerns is important and very self sufficient.
