Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Walter Benjamin- Work of Art in the age of Mechanical Reproduction


For the film, what matters primarily is that the actor represents himself to the public before the camera, rather than representing someone else. One of the first sense to the actor's metamorphosis by this form of testing was Pirandello. Through his remarks on the subject in his novel Si Gira were limited to the negative aspects of the question and to the silent film, only this hardly impairs their validity.

Interpretation and Reason:

What this passage is saying that when filming an actor is portraying or symbolizing him/herself before the camera, not necessarily who's watching but who's filming. They must adapt to the camera, and come from themselves to display this new character whom they will be representing to the world. They pretty much go through changes in order to become this brilliant actor or actress. The reason I chose this passage because many characters especially in today's movie must adapt for their roles. When you think of actors and actress, you get some that only plays certain characters or certain types of movies. Then you have some actors and actresses, that can play all types of characters, from comedy, drama, action, and romance. Each one depending on the character may have to step outside themselves and prepare themselves for the world to see.

Charlie Chaplin:

The film overall concept was generally a replica of whats was going on in modern day German. He took the scenario and tried to force humor to it, when overall it was indeed a tragic time for Jews. He generally made a movie that indicated the various economic and social issues that many Jews were faced with. However he tried the fabricate the situation by allowing a Jew to become in control and turning the situation around for all Jews in the country.

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