Sunday, February 10, 2013

"The Eclipse of the Sun," George Grosz, 1926

    The first piece that I would like to articulate on is the gentleman in the top hat whispering to the soldier. To me this piece signifies the corruption that is taking place in Germany. Throughout this time period of 1926 Germany was faced with many political issues and various social clashes within society. Grosz painting emphasizes the betrayal amongst militant and middle class citizens.

    Another interesting illustration is the coin that is highlighted with the dollar sign but radiates as the sun. This piece symbolizes the greed that have taken over Germany. Its a war going on and greed and corruption is on top of the surface. Last but not least another interesting point in the photo is the headless men sitting around the table. This emphasizes the the fact that a gathering is taking place with a militant, a very important person who is doing the whispering and the headless people who have no idea what is going on around them. They are entering a deal based on greed and corruption and are oblivious to the scandal that is going to take place.

    George Grosz was born in Berlin and was a leader of the Dada movement. He relocate to the U.S to escape the troubles of Europe like many others. During his time here he painted the life of Germans through his deceptive artwork which for years went unnoticed. After his passing his work was discovered and many sought his painting which later was sold for millions of dollars.

    "Their view was that German society was corrupt and built on exploitation  and oppression and needed to be negated or destroyed before anything new could be created". The meaning behind this quote is exactly what George Grosz was illustrating in his painting. Germany was becoming corrupted. Society was being driven by greed and manipulation of the wealthy class, and oppression was very clear and present amongst the regular class citizens. The quote means that this is grounds for war. When a country is overtaken by greed and corruption it will eventually fall. Either the greed will prevail or the oppress citizens will eventually believe that enough is enough. I choose this quote because it ties in with the picture. I agree with the quote because behind all greed is a downfall. it common today with Ponzi schemes and the mortgage crisis of 2008. Greed will eventually lead to a downward spiral if its not address at a reasonable and efficient time.

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