Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blue Angel

   One of the scenes that I would like to focus on is when the Professor learns that his students are attending the cabaret at night. In search for his students at the performance, the camera kept focusing on the clown. Naturally when people think of a clown they think of laughter, something funny or amusing usually at the clowns expense. However, every scene that was taken of this clown happens to be the saddest picture I have ever seen and that was from just looking at the clown.  When the professor reaches for the door to close it but hesitate while leaving the dressing room, the clown appears and remove his hand, and closes the door himself. All the while, looking at the Professor like he just wouldn't understand his troubles or his frustration. I would have to say that this clown has reach his nirvana. From the look on his face he has no desires or no self interest. It's as if he calling out from a bottomless pit and no one hears him or sees him. There is no hope in his eyes no desire or anything his face. He just draws a blank stare.

   Song: Life's a swindle

      Politicians are magicians who makes swindles disappear
      The bribes they are taking the deals they are making
      Never reach the public ear

     Burger schwindelt, staatsmann schwindelt
     Schwindel, was die Zeitung schrebit
     Moral und Sitte, rechts links und Mitte!

This segment of the song talks about the corruption that goes on in political offices. Some officers will take bribes maybe in favor of  company or other authorities figure in order to be re-elected back into office. This songs or this part in particular with this song speaks of just that. And usually the public the community do not hear of the bribery and corruption that takes place in this political offices.

   Song: No Time

       People don't want to waste time with the beginning,
       They'd rather skip straight to the end.

       Man moecht am liebsten, ja da soll's geben, das
       Ende noch vor Beginne leben.
       Heut verlebt man sich abends

This piece speaks power. Many people my self included do not take the time to truly enjoy life. Once they are assigned a task automatically they are timing the situation seeing how long it will take them to complete it. Some may try to analyze it a little more thoroughly but most just want to get it done. This piece was chosen just for that. Its life. It's our life. everyone is doing everything on the go. family time is almost non-existence. This piece analyzes the dept of what this society is experiencing. Most people spend and average of 10-12 hours outside there home. And most of the time its no relaxing. Its working, commuting, or school. So time is precious but unfortunately as this song says there is not enough time.

Paragraph 175 speaks of the various punishments fo comminting same same acts. Its a crime and in all cases punishable by the law. This relates to the lecture because its seaks of how the actress Lola in real life dating with the same sex. In her case however she was not punished by the law, but was accepted not for her sexual preference but for her talent. People were able to look pass that part of her life, for those who knew and just saw her as a talented actress.


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