Tuesday, March 5, 2013

   The scene that I would like to analyze from this movie is when Dr. Caligri attends the fair and ask the clerk how can he go about setting up a booth. The part that I would like to focus on is after Dr. Caligari obtains this booth, he sits behind the curtain away from the audience and stares into this wooden box. Inside this wooden box holds Cesar whom the doctor influences or hypnothise to do as he says. The setting during this scene remains in the fair ground just out of sight for the speculators to see. During performance hours,the Doctor wants all to see the control that he has over Cesar, by saying he has slept for 25 years and now under the sound of my voice I will tell him to awke and he will do so. Well in actuallaity is was getting Cesar to commit the perfect crime. All he had to do is dictate to Cesar what he needed to be done and it was did. The theme that I chose for this part is imperialism. The term imperialism means to take over or to dominate. This is symbolic to Dr. Caligari control over Cesar. He wasnt taking over an empire or a nation or a country, however Dr. Caligari was taking over Cesar mind. He was controlling and dominating what he wanted Cesar to do. And in return Cesar would act out the command of his master.

   "Freedom cannot be regarded simply as a fruit, a result of historical development. There must arise in that development a moment where freedom itself becomes one of the driving forces" Georg Lukack's. The Moral Mission of the Communist Party. Georg Lukacs was born a wealty Jew in which I assume in Hungaria although the Bio never states that, however its states that he is a Hungarian Marxist Philospher, writer and literary critic.  George view on art goes like this, he believes that art is associated with the struggle. Being that people or should I say artist tends to paint whats going on in their environment. Some of George ideas are widley view and some are few in acceptance, however they vary his strongest idea links with the communist party. He has written several books and essay regarding the communist party. Some ideas reiterate the ruling of government is concerns with art and humanism and its influence to society. His idea fits in with mass culture because we live in a globalize society. People do have a tendency to dictate what is going on around them. He says that art is associated with the struggle. This society is one that is so connected that if one socitey struggles it tends to have a ripple effect. So what one nation cannot produce another nation will.

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